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Taking the opportunity of today’s challenges to deliver a better service to your customers and make ...
Setting the scene: As the lockdown continues in the UK, retailers, along with all other industries, ...
I started 2020, like many, with a list of goals that I wanted to achieve this year. Fast-forward to ...
Many people believe that improving customer experience (CX) is complicated, confusing, expensive and...
For many, prior to the COVID-19 outbreak, working from home was a “treat”. A rarity that you looked ...
The government is the UK’s largest and oldest service provider. It impacts all of us in different wa...
Our earlier blog illustrated the initial ways in which the agile methodology, that we practice and p...
Agile: “Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive do...
“I’m transferring you to my colleague in a different department, as I’m unable to help you”; 25 minu...
Join Tom and Lawrence as they discuss customer loyalty and how your CX can play a big part in either...
From the Latin ‘collaborare’, meaning to ‘work together’, ‘togetheredness’, arguably, forms the quin...