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The future of our economy is circular. The linear model of take, make and waste has proven unsustainable and businesses that want to thrive in the future need to imagine a more circular relationship with materials, products, partners and customers.

In addition to delivering better social and environmental outcomes, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation estimated that the Circular Economy has an economic growth potential of 1.8 trillion EUR a year in Europe alone [1].

We help companies become future-fit and unlock the value of the circular economy with an agile and customer-focused approach.

Clarasys’ customer-focused approach to the circular economy


We believe the customer needs to be at the centre of any circular transformation. Shifting from linear to circular business models is not as straightforward as simply offering circular products or services. Our research emphasises the important role of customer experience and human-centred circular service design in enabling circular business models. For this reason, we help our clients take a customer-centric approach to their circular business model innovation.

Circular economy discovery


We take a customer-centric and data-driven approach to assess the circular economy opportunity for your organisation.

Circular economy strategy roadmap


We develop actionable circular strategies underpinned by innovative circular business models.

Circular product and service design


We design the end-to-end circular experience from customer behaviours to business model blueprints.

Circular business model delivery


We help clients to effectively define circular pilots, measure success and embed circularity into the business DNA.

To learn more about our approach please explore our Circular Economy research findings and toolkit, built in partnership with the University of Exeter, the UK’s leading academic institution for circular economy research.

Need help to drive customer adoption of your circular products and services? We have developed a two-day Circular Economy accelerator, to optimise your circular experience.

What’s on our mind

Young Business Girl of the future with Rocket Pack stock photo

It’s November 2023. I’m sitting in a teepee in Cornwall, perched on a little wooden stool with rain hammering on the roof. It might sound like the setting for a spiritual journey, but actually I’m...


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We teamed up with the University of Exeter’s Centre for Circular Economy to embark on a piece of research to get under the skin of the issues and complexities around engaging customers in the Circular Economy. 


Outputs of research


Our report explores extensive detail of our research findings.


Our toolkit will help you design your circular business model with customers at the centre.


Our brochure, based on a literature review, highlights some starting considerations to help you rethink your customer journeys.


Use best practice CX and behavioural change methodologies to design an optimised customer journey that drives adoption of a new circular product at scale.

We had seen many circular initiatives launch without success and we wanted to get to the root of the problem. With pressure on firms to become more sustainable, from investors through to customers, the need for a shift towards the Circular Economy is unambiguous. However, how can companies ensure that this new world is one that works for their customers whilst allowing their businesses to thrive, all whilst working to safeguard the planet?

It is our belief that, unless the customer is at front of mind in the design of circular products, the likelihood of them taking on the necessary new behaviours, roles, and relationships towards products and producers is low.

We have engaged with leading organisations in the food and beverage, consumer goods, and retail sectors to gain a wide understanding of the challenges faced. As such, we have been able to gain a huge amount of insight and create tools and thinking that we feel will help organisations navigate their way through this complex landscape.

We hope you will find them useful.


What our clients say

"Clarasys bring a new perspective on the CE, helping us to think about this system change through the lens of the customer and to really delve into the behavioral change implications."

Barry Waddilove

Head of Circular Economy & Partnerships Electrolux

"These tools and frameworks offer a practical CE innovation blueprint and support the fundamental mindset shift required to drive the design and delivery of products and services that offer great experiences and work within the planetary boundaries."

Camilla Marcus-Dew

Co-Founder, Amplify Goods

Meet the experts


Harriet Shelton

Harriet joined Clarasys in 2020, with over 8 years of blended consulting and industry experience where she has used her strengths as a critical thinker and her ability to apply structure to solve a variety of complex business problems. Harriet has a keen interest in customer-centric business improvement and during her time at Clarasys, she has worked across process discovery, customer experience and business architecture. Harriet is a keen outdoor swimmer and is currently trying to visit all 120+ lidos in the UK!


Loïc Le Fouest

Loïc enjoys helping organisations unravel customer journeys, design exceptional customer experiences, and foster a customer-centric mindset and behaviours. With expertise in end-to-end CX transformation, he helps businesses enhance their customer-centric capabilities and make a real difference for their customers. He is a firm believer that unlocking the value of Customer Experience practice is not only necessary to help businesses thrive, it is also the key to accelerating the transition to a circular economy and a more sustainable society. He is passionate about working with other forward-looking leaders and organisations, combining CX and Behavioural Change methodologies to design experiences and business models that engage customers in meeting a new innovation sweet spot, that includes sustainability, and helps us shape a brighter future.


Sam Maguire

Sam is a principal consultant who specialises in sustainability strategy and operating model design across multiple industries. He has particular expertise in sustainable business models and designing organisations to be more circular. Having previously worked for Clarasys for four years he rejoined in May 2021 to lead the development of our internal sustainability strategy and roadmap and the formation of our sustainability proposition. Outside of work Sam enjoys playing sport, cooking and being out on his bike.

Harriet Shelton

Loïc Le Fouest

Sam Maguire

Let us [ unlock ] circular value for your organisation