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What does agile change management look like in practice?

Delivering agile change management might look relatively straightforward in theory, but how does...

Image for What does agile change management look like in practice?

Delivering agile change management might look relatively straightforward in theory, but how does it look in practice? We hope this infographic gives a visual aid and helps to explain the process.

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There are common change products in both waterfall and agile approaches, such as stakeholder analysis, change impact assessments and communications plans. However, in agile they are created iteratively rather than as one big hit. And in agile, these products evolve each and every step of the way.

Never underestimate the importance of the initial mobilisation stage. Kick-off activities are designed to change the mindset and behaviours of people. It’s about hearts and minds. If adequate time is not dedicated to this stage, and the first sprint gets underway too soon, there will be confusion and mixed feelings across the organisation.

Choosing the right leaders who can articulate the vision is critical. By the end of these kick-off activities, teams should be committed to the change and an agile way of working.

At all stages, it is crucial there is frequent engagement and communication with stakeholders, especially end-users. Monitor adoption and make changes, such as refresher training, if required. And never sit on feedback. Listen and respond. Fast.

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