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LGBTQ+ allyship podcast – part two

After discussing what it means to be an ally and how this is relevant in the LGBTQ+ community in...

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After discussing what it means to be an ally and how this is relevant in the LGBTQ+ community in part one of this two-part podcast, we discuss experiences of being an ally and how to be a better ally in the second half here.

In part two of our podcast on allyship in the LGBTQ+ community, the Clarasys team talk about their experiences of being an ally, situations where they would have liked to have had an ally with them and some tips on how to be a better ally.

The importance of recognition and respect is highlighted at every stage of the conversation and, as one of the Clarasys team says: it’s about recognising that the world is a rich tapestry of individuals, everyone is unique and interesting so we should be interested in, and respect each other.

After a discussion offering a wealth of insight, information, and individual experiences of Pride, being LGBTQ+, and becoming an ally; the podcast ends on the conclusion that ‘at the end of the day, love is love’…

Listen in to learn more about Pride, about what it means to be part of the LGBTQ+ community, how to become an ally and why it is so important.



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