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Peach Pubs Net-Zero customer experience

Discover how Peach Pubs is leading the way to Net-Zero sustainability with a tailored customer experience journey, employee education program, and industry collaboration.

Image for Peach Pubs Net-Zero customer experience

This project focused on the best ways to articulate to guests Peach Pubs’ planned to take them to Net-Zero and support its wider sustainability objectives. With 18 pubs across the Midlands and the South, the organisation needed to design a journey that could work in different settings for different sorts of guests. The client required a vision for this journey and a plan to develop their people in order to be able to support the desired experience.

Peach pubs had already designed a Net-Zero strategy through the NetZeroNow organisation. However, they had no idea how to turn this into customer engagement. We worked with stakeholders across the organisation to define why they were working to be Net-Zero and what they wanted to achieve with their guests and teams.

We outlined the different guest touchpoints before, during and after their visits that PeachPubs could look to influence and engage guests. Through primary guest research, we understood their perspectives around sustainability and how they wanted to find out more about the Pubs plans. Supporting this we analysed staff awareness and understanding of NetZero plans and with supporting interviews understood the most effective ways to engage their team.

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