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Retail video: Putting the customer at the centre of business

In the new normal that COVID has presented retailers with, being able to quickly identify and...

Image for Retail video: Putting the customer at the centre of business

In the new normal that COVID has presented retailers with, being able to quickly identify and implement changes to customer experience (CX) is vital. How retailers can adapt and meet their customer demand while staying ahead of the competition will determine who will thrive and survive.

We know that retailers are already ahead of the game when it comes to CX. Our view is that although most retailers already know the what  that CX is vital – where they need support is with the how how they can benefit from adopting an agile mindset and implementing agile delivery techniques to accelerate their CX initiatives and give them an edge over their retail competition.

Watch our short video to find out why we advocate the below six agile principles to apply to your retail CX undertakings.



Keep up to date on all of our other retail-focussed insights, such as our view of how to apply a customer-centric approach to your business model, or find out more about our retail offering or discover more of our retail-focussed insights here.

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