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Interconnectivity between change and customer experience

Customers and end users are having an enormous impact on decision-making in today’s business...

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Customers and end users are having an enormous impact on decision-making in today’s business world. For many businesses, customer experience was pushed to the forefront of strategic decision-making when the world changed in 2020 and we were forced indoors to shop and work online. The need to serve customers in the way they wanted and needed became of paramount importance. Customers now require online and delivery options, tailor-made subscription services, and competitive prices, and many want to know the companies they are buying from are ethical and sustainable. To coin a phrase, businesses need to “adapt or die” in a world that is rapidly changing, and this means putting CX and UX at the heart of change.

Digital transformation is just one example of how CX is heavily impacting business change. There is a drive for an ‘always connected’ customer, and businesses must embrace change and technology to deliver an unmatched CX in order to compete. This means CX and user experience (UX) are becoming the predominant drivers for change and should be prioritised when adopting business changes.

Change should be driven by what the end users actually want

Change should be driven by what the end users actually want, whether they are employees or customers, rather than by what stakeholders feel would better embed the transformation. This means stakeholders must never assume they know what their end users want and instead speak to them or take a forensic look at customer data. What purpose does change have if it doesn’t ultimately improve the targeted user’s experience? Consequently, the manner in which change is delivered is pivotal. The change must be shaped and impacted by the end users and an ambition to improve CX. 

Agile change management

Agile change management methodology can greatly aid this transition by placing customers at the heart of the discussion throughout the change cycle. An Agile methodology ensures that end-user feedback is consistently taken on, guaranteeing an end product that meets their needs. 

According to Aberdeen Strategy Research, agile CX organisations enjoy 2.4x greater year-on-year increase in customer lifetime value. The research also finds agile CX users are 26% more likely to analyse CX data to reveal process bottlenecks and inefficiencies.1

Embracing the relationship between change, CX, and UX

Organisations are slowly beginning to recognise and embrace the relationship between change, CX, and UX. Many more businesses are moving away from an inward business-focused mindset and becoming more outward-focused, adopting a customer-centric approach. Moreover, internal change that affects employee experience is just as important, with low engagement alone costing the global economy $7.8 trillion, according to Gallup’s State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report.2

It is clear to see throughout all industries that organisations are beginning to prioritise end users and communicate this change to their employees in a way that is effective and exciting – as shown in our article here.

What does this mean for you?

So how can you aid this transition and ensure end-user experience is at the core of your change decisions? Through using an agile methodology as the cornerstone of your change management approach, you have the building blocks in place to ensure that your end user is at the centre of your change decisions. 

Agile change management works in an iterative fashion, meaning that user feedback is constantly and consistently taken on board to enable instant, relevant, and lasting improvements to enhance end-user experience. This methodology allows you to change your policies and approach without committing to a set outcome, enabling you to keep up with the ever-changing demands and needs of not only your end users but the world around you.


If your organisation needs help with change and customer experience, get in touch to speak with an expert.


  1.  Aberdeen Research Strategy October 2021: CX Agilibity: The path to customer loyalty & profitable business growth
  2.  Gallup State of the Global Workplace: 2022 Report

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