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Engaging Customers in a Circular Economy

The Exeter Centre for Circular Economy and Clarasys are both committed to the creation of a Circular Economy.

We are working with the University of Exeter on some research to understand what needs to be done to ensure that customers are able to engage with sharing models, the return of packaging, repair schemes, and other circular models. Our ultimate goal is to enable organisations, both B2B and B2C, to design and embed circular journeys that are desirable for customers, and viable and feasible for the business. Our brochure reveals an initial framework based on a literature review that highlights some starting considerations to help you rethink your customer journeys.

Click here or on the thumbnail below to download.




Closing the Loop – Can you get your customers to buy into the circular economy?


Closing the Loop is an educational game about the role of customer experience in the circular economy. Players take on the role of the Head of Commercial propositions for a commercial brewing company. Their challenge is to use best practice CX and behavioural change methodologies to design an optimised customer journey that drives adoption of their new circular product at scale. This game is informed by Clarasys’ circular economy research with the University of Exeter and was produced in collaboration with game developer Luke Brockmann.

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