
How a better EX can improve your CX | Thinking | Clarasys

Written by Klara Nenadlova | December 17 2020

It is crucial for organisations to consider their Employee Experience (EX) as a whole, in order to not only have happy employees and improve retention, but also to ensure they build a culture where people feel empowered to make decisions which will in lead to improved Customer Experience (CX), as they are often the closest to them on the ground. Unlike Employee Engagement (EE), which focuses on the relationship between an employee and their organisation, EX goes beyond this and emphasises the employee’s importance at different points of their journey with the organisation from how candidates become aware of your organisation, to becoming your company’s alumni.

Clarasys believes so much in the impact that Employee Experience has on quality of client interactions, that we practice what we preach. Based on both research and our experience, we recommend companies consider three key steps in order to assess their EX and how it can positively affect their customers. Find out what these are, and discover more in our two-pager below: