
How to use employee feedback to drive CX improvements?

Written by Catriona McKimmie | August 31 2021

In our latest episode of CX Talks, Sarah, Rob and Cat discuss how you can use employee feedback to improve your CX. 

Principal Consultant Sarah Daley is one of our CX experts. Clarasys Consultants Rob Simmons and Catriona McKimmie are part of our internal insights and improvements team. 

The podcast begins with a brief overview of what we mean by employee experience and how it links with customer experience. Sarah explains the importance of gathering employee feedback throughout their time at an organisation. 

Cat reveals the two types of feedback you can gather, and what we do at Clarasys to get employee feedback. Rob gives his insight on how regularly you should gather employee feedback and who should be providing it. 

The trio discusses how employees who interact regularly with customers will have a better view of their needs, wants and challenges. 

Cat explains why the maturity of an organisation should determine what employee feedback to gather and how.

They go on to talk about what data is important, how to choose what to capture and how to analyze it once collected, both within the organisation and to drive CX improvements.

Listen in to find out how you can use employee feedback to make a lasting impact to both EX and CX.

Listen here

If you would like to learn more about how we can help you with your employee experience and customer experience, or to speak to Sarah, Rob or Cat, please get in touch