
Insourcing vs. Contracting | Clarasys

Written by Jeff Isaacs | January 21 2016

Every business wants to have talented staff with transferable skills. Having the right people in place can enhance your organisation’s capabilities and help streamline complex processes to ultimately benefit project delivery.

This is ideal, but in reality, finding the right staff internally who can fill multiple roles such as Business Analysis, Project Management or Change Management is quite difficult. These positions are not always thoroughly defined which can lead to inconsistent expectations. While internal promotion can highlight career progression opportunities to employees within the business, sometimes a lack of time to settle into a more senior role can present certain obstacles that affect performance.

“How can your business address any skill or knowledge gaps?”

Limited resources or an absence of the knowledge base required to deliver high quality on the job training coupled with insufficient formal courses can result in these newly promoted staff struggling. Challenges in such key positions can severely impair an individual’s ability to perform to the desired standard of the business.

More and more companies are looking to promote from within, particularly for Business Analysis roles. It’s often a good strategy, as BAs are tasked with defining a successful vision for the future so having an understanding of the as-is state of the business is integral.

The tactic of insourcing staff is used to combat the high operational costs associated with contracting, notably in senior roles related to Project Management or Change Management. It also attempts to address the knowledge gaps that manifest with frequent turnover of staff.

Clarasys Approach

Our focus is on helping you tackle these issues by effectively upskilling staff so they hit the ground running in their new role. Our Conversion Courses provide expert coaching and support to facilitate a seamless transition, ensuring the individuals you show faith in can deliver an exceptional performance.

Initially, we need to establish an understanding of your capabilities for each role. This is achieved by conducting a thorough training needs analysis to identify gaps in either experience or knowledge.

Once this information has been gathered and assessed, we tailor a bespoke training plan, using Agile principles, to address individual training needs that align to the needs of the business. This ensures we focus on delivering value based on your objectives. We also provide on-going legacy support as required.

Arming your staff with our business process capabilities allows them to meet tight project deadlines by anticipating issues faster and making confident decisions all while producing the highest standard of work.