
Engaging employees' through your strategy, vision, and collective values

Written by Mike Evans | November 23 2023

Disengagement in the workplace is not something we can ignore. According to Gallup’s recent ‘State of the Workplace’ report 85% of employees are either unengaged or actively disengaged and 67% of this particular group are indifferent to the success of their company and do the ‘bare minimum’ required of them

Employee engagement is a critical factor in any organisation’s success. Engaged employees are more productive, innovative, and committed to their work. However, disengaged employees can have a detrimental impact on your organisation’s bottom line. One key contributor to employee disengagement is the lack of connection between employees and your company’s strategy, vision, and values. 

This article reflects on:

  • What employee engagement looks like
  • The role of strategy, vision and values in engaging employees
  • The consequences of disengagement and our recommendations to mitigate this

The missing link: Employee engagement

Engagement refers to an employee’s emotional commitment to your organisation and goals. It goes beyond mere job satisfaction; it is about feeling a deep sense of connection and purpose in one’s work. When employees are engaged, they are more likely to invest their time and energy in contributing to your company’s success. 

We shouldn’t underestimate the impact of Covid-19 on employee engagement over the past few years. The pandemic injected a brief but helpful opportunity for reflection and a chance for those fortunate enough to ask themselves ‘what do I really want from life?’. For many employees, there was a desire to ensure a better work/life balance – which hybrid and remote working can automatically provide. 

Employees may have had the opportunity to realise that they were either (i) burnt-out, (ii) taking on too much and/or (iii) tired of having to prioritise ‘everything’ which can so easily lead to prioritising nothing. Resistance to the realisation that they may have felt this way is disengagement. 

When it comes to disengagement and ‘quietly quitting’, research in a recent article from LSE highlights that:

  • Younger generational cohorts were found to be working up to 56 hours (7 days) less per year than before the outbreak
  • Men are more likely to ‘quietly quit’ than women – reduction in hours worked since 2019 were 33 hours per year for men versus 21 hours for women
  • You’re more likely to see this level of disengagement/quietly quitting in the finance, technology and professional services sectors than public sector

Whilst employees do have to take accountability for their engagement with work, leaders also have to explore whether they are fostering the best environment for their employees. This can be achieved through a well-considered and collaborative strategy, vision and set of values. 

The role of strategy, vision and values in engaging employees

A well-defined company strategy outlines the long-term direction and goals of your organisation. Employees who understand this strategy and see how their work contributes to it are more likely to be engaged. A lack of clarity regarding the company’s strategy can leave employees feeling directionless, leading to disengagement and potentially the beginning of them ‘quietly quitting’.

A compelling vision sets the tone for your organisation’s future. It provides employees with a sense of purpose and direction. When employees align with your company’s vision, they are more motivated to work toward it. In contrast, when they are unaware of the vision or do not see themselves as part of it, disengagement can set in.

Moreover, your company values define the ethical principles that guide decision-making and behaviour. When employees feel that your company’s values resonate with their own, they are more likely to be engaged. However, a disconnect between personal values and those of the organisation can lead to a sense of moral discomfort, emotional disconnect (conscious or otherwise) and disengagement.

The consequences of disengaged employees

Disengaged employees are more likely to be less productive, less creative, and more prone to absenteeism. They may also seek employment elsewhere, leading to high turnover rates, which can be costly for your organisation. Moreover, disengagement can foster a negative work culture, further eroding your company’s potential for success. 

Companies with the highest rates of employee engagement are 21% more profitable according to Gallup – so getting your employees to feel more connected to where you’re going and your values isn’t just great for them, but makes good business sense. 

Recommendations for building connection and engaging employees

To address employee disengagement stemming from a lack of connection to company strategy, vision, and values, proactive organisations can take several steps:

  1. Communication: Regularly communicate the company’s strategy, vision, and values to all employees. Use multiple channels to ensure the message reaches everyone. The larger your organisation becomes, you may have to be more innovative in how you spread the message to ensure it lands with the majority of people. Think about how you could embed these messages into your next company day, and if you don’t have a monthly/quarterly/yearly company day there’s a great starting point – create one!
  2. Training and onboarding: Incorporate your company’s core principles and values into the onboarding process – i.e. if you say your company believes in fostering conversation and collaboration create that space for new hires to contribute from day one. Also, ensure that employees understand how their role contributes to the company’s strategy and vision – you could bring this to life by bringing a new hire’s peers into the conversation to demonstrate how the day-to-day operations contribute to your wider company goals and provide newbies with a ‘buddy’ to support them in their first few months on the job. 
  3. Leadership role modelling: As a leader, you should exemplify the company’s values and actively promote the organisational strategy and vision – not just say that you do. This requires you to actively engage with as many people across your department/organisation as possible – so make the time and the effort to get out there virtually or in person to be with your people and clients!
  4. Employee feedback: Encourage feedback from your employees to ensure that the company’s values resonate with their own, and be open to making necessary adjustments. At Clarasys we’ve found many avenues for getting these insights from anonymous forums like ‘Boxanne’ which is a virtual box where people can drop feedback or ideas, and more formal channels like our quarterly pulse surveys and coaching meetings. 
  5. Recognition and rewards: Recognise and reward your employees who actively support the company’s strategy, vision, and values. This reinforces their connection and commitment. Research reported on by Harvard Business Review demonstrates that simple actions like writing a letter to a colleague to thank them for their hard work and its impact on achieving the organisation’s wider goals left employees feeling more valued, and could impact subjective wellbeing, belonging and importantly intrinsic motivation. 


Engaging employees is critical for organisational success, and a strong connection to a company’s strategy, vision, and values is fundamental to achieving this engagement. When employees feel aligned with these core aspects of their organisation, they are more likely to be engaged, motivated, and committed to their work. Companies that prioritise building this connection will reap the benefits of a more engaged and productive workforce, ultimately contributing to their long-term success.

If you want to talk more about improving your employee engagement please get in touch