
Discovering the moments that matter in your CX

Written by The Clarasys Team | November 03 2020

Discovering the moments that matter

As our communities continue to navigate these strange and challenging times, businesses and organisations must continuously work to better understand the needs of their customers and how to serve them in an ever changing world. In an effort to help support organisations, and their people in achieving these goals, Clarasys offers a range of free Customer Experience (CX) workshops around helping clients understand where they are on CX journey & help them to identify what is needed next using tools/techniques and facilitating conversation so that attendees create applicable takeaways to become more customer-centric.

So what have we discovered through carrying out these workshops? What are the current key priorities and trends that organisations have expressed around CX? What are the ways that are currently being used to build a customer-focused mindset? Discover our findings below, and who knows, maybe a few maybe be familiar to your own organisation… 

Main organisational challenges: 

  • Lack of understanding gaps in their customer journeys

A key concern of organisations is their understanding of how to sustain a positive customer experience from start to finish. Oftentimes, customers go through a long and complex journey leading to multiple touchpoints with different representatives. This is commonly due to the loss of sight of the customer and their journey because new systems and / or  processes are being implemented that have been designed without the customer needs at the forefront or even without an understanding of what the customer needs are.

During the workshops we helped the organisations to realise the benefit of defining personas, mapping their customer journeys, enabling them to identify the touchpoints that the customer has with them, and which teams these are with. We also charted the emotional experience of their customers to spot where they’re excelling or where they’re lacking. 

  • Difficulty in visualising practical steps to improve the CX for prospective customers

The organisations we worked with needed to understand how to better grow their CX capability and embed a culture of customer-centricity in everything they do. Our workshops focused on cultivating real life scenarios, with real life products, to best simulate an end to end customer journey, and guide participants to placing themselves in a real customer’s shoes. Through identifying pain points customers currently experience, it allowed participants to look at the process and technology underpinning the journey and improvements needed. 

  • Keeping up to date with tools, techniques and terminology

With the abundance of industry terminology around customers, it is important to understand the unique benefits and lenses that tools have when evaluating your customer experience capability. From personas to segments, and customer journey maps to customer success, each tool brings a different value to the table. We helped each organisation by guiding them through the process of eliciting characteristics and behaviors that make up a unique persona profile, and subsequently mapping the step by step journey that the persona goes through in engaging with the company. These exercises helped frame the needs, desires, and pain points from a customer point of view, in turn challenging our participants to brainstorm quick win solutions.

  • Understanding both internal and external customers needs

Realisation that not only the individuals buying your product can be your customer is key. Consider how linking employee experience and customer experience lenses can create a more balanced and efficient operating structure. We invited organisations to consider their internal customers, their own employees, and how the link between employee experience and customer experience is critical. Building personas for internal teams, addressing the driving vision and purpose of the organisation, and soliciting the voice of the employee, can all help address an understanding of the end customer. Employees are the closest people in the organisation to the customer, and can provide a unique perspective in visualising inefficiencies in process and technology that directly impact your customer experience. Empowering employees to make improvements within their areas of control, allows organisations to delight customers from the ground up.

Our free workshops are designed to support organisations at all points of their CX journey,  from those who have just begun to focus on CX, to those who are actively seeking to embed and  scale a culture of customer focused decision making in their organisation. If you think your organisation would benefit please get in touch!

This post was originally written by: Ben Leung