
CX Talks: Four key areas to think about to ensure a successful digital transformation

Written by Matt Cheung | July 05 2021

Join Matt, Tom and Ben, in this episode of CX Talks as they discuss the four key areas to think about to ensure a successful digital transformation, and explain their importance:

  1. Business
  2. Organisation
  3. Customer
  4. Technology.

The trio talk about the significance of aligning your digital transformation to your business strategy and why it’s important to have an overarching vision for your business, despite individual and departmental priorities.

Matt uses his experience to talk about a trap that people can often fall into during digital transformations and explains why accepting change is crucial.

They move on to talk about how being honest on the maturity of the organisation and individual customers needs should drive transformation decisions. As well as considering how employees are affected by the change and what impact that will have on customer experience (CX).

Finally, Tom asks Ben and Matt what important things need to be considered relating to technology itself. They explain why being clear on the problem you are trying to solve with a digital transformation will make technology selection easier and why technology alone should not drive the transformation.

We will be delving further into each focus point in our upcoming podcasts.

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If you would like to learn more about how we can help you on your digital transformation journey or speak to Tom, Matt or Ben, please contact us.